lundi 27 avril 2009

Start program automatically after GNOME login

It is possible to start your favourite application automatically when loggin.

If you use the gnome desktop then go to system->preferences->personnel-sessions. The figure below will be displayed. You can activate/desactivate the existing software. You can also add the software you want by specifying the path. You just have to click on "add" button and browse the file system and select the needed file.

Note: On version 2.26, you can find this feature in
"system->preferences->startup applications"

jeudi 9 avril 2009

Rediscover music with rhythmbox

I have using rhythmbox music player for some time but recently I have discovered the feature related to Indeed, you can listen to your favorite music on using rhythmbox. is a site that enables us to listen to our favorite music. The subscription to is simple and fast.

Why using rhythmbox ?
If you want to listen to your music on, you have to keep your browser open. Personally, I don't like such solutions. Then, I have used rhythmbox as player. In the first use, you have to indicate your login information to rhythmbox and then you can immediately start listen to your music.

Simple to use :)

As you can see in the figure below, rhythmbox offer an intuitive interface to play music with You can add your favorite radio tag and the click add button. Then, when you click on of the available item , a playlist will be loaded from and your music will start playing. You will sure find some nostalgic title that will you touch you! Moreover, the album cover will be shown in the left of the screen
